Even I have to admit there's a very brief period of appreciation for the freshly fallen snow and its pristine beauty. But three minutes later I'm going crazy, ready to hop a flight to Mexico. I would do it too if I didn't have the endless responsibility of shoveling and then reshoveling snow (yesterday I shoveled three times before nightfall.)
Luckily for me, today was a snow day at school. And it's always great to get the call, or in this case, text, that school has been canceled. This is the third snow day in two weeks, so we've had our share of rest. Don't get me wrong, I love my days off as much as the next person. But joy is only temporary as you begin to realize why you're actually out of school. Reality hits when you want to get out of your house and off the property you've been shoveling for weeks, only to find you're snowed in!
I've about hit that point of winter madness or snow time blues. It's taking its toll. Real productivity and heavy snowfall seem to be inversely correlated in my life: The more the snow falls, the less I seem able to get done. I've created a chart to demonstrate my recent struggles, because everyone knows charts don't lie!
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